When you start to think about putting your home on the market, it’s likely that you’ll take a good look around and make sure that every room in the property is at its best. It might be that a coat of paint wouldn’t go amiss, or perhaps the carpets could do with a thorough professional clean. Maybe the squeaky door will get some oil. This is the time when all those little jobs that you may have been putting off (we all do it!) need to be completed. You want to give people the best impression of your home in order to sell it quickly at the right price.

But what about your garden? This additional ‘room’ can often be forgotten about, yet it can make a big difference when it comes to selling your home.

A Good Impression

If the first thing your prospective buyers seen is an unkempt garden, they won’t be getting a great first impression of your home. Even if the rest of the house is spick and span, that garden could well be bothering them, even if they themselves don’t realise it. An uncared for garden could hint that other aspects of the house haven’t been looked after either, even if that’s not the case. Don’t make your potential buyers worry about things that aren’t even an issue – keep your garden tidy and looking good.

Comparable Properties

Unless you have a truly unique property for sale, you will find that there are other houses and flats in your area that compare to yours. They might be in the same road or close by, they might have the same number of bedrooms or be in the same school catchment area. You are competing with these properties, and you have a choice in how to do it. Either you can have a lower price to catch people’s attention, or you can make your house stand out by ensuring it is perfect inside and out. The latter is a much better option because you will entice more people to view your home and will sell for more money.

Do It Simply

If your garden is overgrown, you can hire a strimmer and lawnmower at a reasonable cost to make it neat again. A weekend – perhaps less – is all it would take. If you really want to make it eye-catching, plant some colourful blooms along the borders or, if you’re mainly laid to lawn or have a courtyard garden, use plant-filled pots to create a splash of beauty.

It’s also a good idea to clean up your patio and again, you can hire equipment such as a jet washer that would do this well.

Add Lighting

When you are selling your home, you want to create a story for those viewing to see; you need to show them a lifestyle that they could have if they lived in your property. Installing outside lights – either wired or solar lighting – is one way to do this. Include a nice patio set in the garden, and perhaps a chimenea or firepit, and you instantly show that relaxing evenings as a family or with friends are not only possible, but expected! If you don’t have the ‘props’ and don’t want to purchase them, see if you can borrow them from friends, family, or neighbours.