While you can use our instant valuation tool to get a rough guide on what your home may be worth online, the best way to get an accurate valuation is to arrange for your local agent to value your property for you.

How do estate agents determine how much a property is worth?

There are numerous factors that will influence the value of your home including:

  • Location
  • Size
  • Local market value
  • Condition of the property
  • Major works completed such as extensions, double glazing, insulation or new kitchen/bathroom, as well as the quality of the work carried out
  • Internally things like the standard of decoration will be taken into consideration
  • The potential for extensions and another improvements may also have an impact on the value of the property

The asking price of the property will be determined by a combination these factors together with your local agent’s knowledge of how the market is currently behaving.

What you’ll be asked at a valuation

Without visiting your home, an agent won’t be able to get a feel for your home. What’s it’s like, what the area is like, potential for extending and so on. And let’s face it, a home is as individual as we are. While next door’s valuation may give you an idea of an asking price, your home is unique and may have features theirs does not.

Expect to be asked why you bought your home in the first place and what you love about living there. Remember, what attracted you to the property could just turn into its USP and help generate interest in it.

You will also be asked about your ability or want to move quickly. Have you already found a property and had an offer accepted for example and need to move as soon as possible? Or perhaps you’re looking to move within a non immediate timescale. If you’re unable to move right away, or are yet to find your perfect new home, we can complete your listing and publish it at a later date, putting you in a better position when you’re ready to move. Your local agent can also help you find your new home.

Your agent will also be able to advise you on what you might be able to do to increase the value of your home prior to selling.

Want to sell your home? Book a valuation with your local property expert today!