Electrical safety checks compulsory from 1st April 2020
Are you a landlord? Did you know that new legislation requires electrical safety checks to be carried out on all rental properties or face the prospect of a £30,000 fine?
Proposals outlined in the Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020 are expected to become law on 1 April this year. The legislation requires that electrical installation inspections and testing are completed for all new tenancies in England from 1 July 2020. And from 1 April 2021 for all existing tenancies.
Under the new regulations landlords are required to:
- Ensure inspections and tests are carried out every five years by a person with relevant qualifications to do so.
- Supply the report detailing the results of the inspection to the tenant within 28 days of the inspection and testing being carried out.
- Provide the local housing authority with said report within 7 working days upon request.
- Supply a copy of the last report completed on the property to new tenants before they move into the property, or within 28 days of a request from the prospective tenant.
- Landlords have 28 days to fix any problems outlined by the inspection and testing.
The new regulations are to be enforced by local housing authorities and breaches of the legislation can result in a fine of up to £30,000.
ARLA Propertymark have been quoted as follows on the forthcoming regulations:
“We are supportive of this concept and believe it will create a level playing field for all agents and landlords as well as ensuring improved safety standards for tenants. Mandating inspecting and testing of every fixed electrical installation should have a limited impact on good professional landlords and agents in the market, many of whom already voluntarily undertake these inspections.”
Want to know more and make sure you are complaint? Contact your local agent or contact our head office on 0330 223 0670.
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