Coronavirus | Renters to be Protected from Eviction
Emergency legislation is set to be introduced to protect renters affected by coronavirus from being evicted from their homes.
This means eviction proceedings can’t be started against tenants for at least three months, even if their financial situation means they are unable to pay their rent.
It comes as buy to let landlords were told they are able to apply for a three month mortgage payment holiday to help tenants who are unable to meet their financial obligations at this time.
Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick stated: “The Government is clear. No renter who has lost income due to coronavirus will be forced out of their home, nor will any landlord face unmanageable debts.”
It enables renters to defer paying rent for a period of up to three months. Once this period is up, landlords and tenants are expected to come to an agreement regarding an affordable repayment plan going forward.
Renting through The Good Estate Agent?
Should you have difficulty making rent payments during this time contact us or your landlord as soon as possible and we’ll do everything we can to help you.